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CISO role and how we can help

Our Story

Your Role as CISO has changed significantly over the last 5 years!
You have earned your seat at the executive table.
Your job continues to be to identify and highlight cyber risk in your business environment, while building and operating an efficient information security program that aligns to your organization’s risk tolerance.
Now, you are expected to understand the complete business environment, end-to-end, and all the inherent risks.
You are also expected to know all the developments taking place out there in the world of information security, new technologies and platforms, best practices and methodologies, regulation and legislation, and what your industry peers are doing.
When asked for your opinion, you are expected to answer in the language of the person asking.
Finally, your role will continue to change and evolve going forward, becoming a vital cog in the business machine.

Why would you need SLVA Cybersecurity?

Our operational people have all previously sat in your seat and walked in your shoes. We believe that effective security should save you time and money. We want to hear about your plans, your challenges, your complexities and apply our minds to those areas where you can get real value from us.

We are passionate....

...about protecting our customers from the myriad of threats they face every day. We aren’t just about assessments, followed by another assessment. We like fixing security problems. We like understanding what people at the coal face do and how we can enable them to work securely. Security should be about business enablement, not just a cost.

Our expertise...

...has been hard won in the trenches of banks and financial services, healthcare, telecommunications, retail, utilities and government organizations, globally.

Our first principle... that security needs to be engineered by design into your organization – we call this Secure Business by Design. Security cannot be purely about compliance.


This requires a thorough understanding of the business (strategy and operations), the business risks and risk posture, to enable a security focus on that what matters most.


Security today is a Board priority. CISOs need to be able to talk to business leaders and the Board in a language they understand. Similarly, they also need to hear what back-office and front-line works see and experience every day.


SLVA offers a different perspective. Our people each have over 2 decades of global experience – they have sat in your seat. They understand the demands you face. We know how to talk to the C-Suite, the Board and the rest of the organization, in a language they understand.

We offer...

We create a fit-for-purpose, security-as-a-service tailored to your needs and to your budget.
We would love nothing more than hearing what you are working on and share some of our thoughts and experiences.

The most sophisticated institutions are moving from a “maturity based” to a “risk based” approach for managing cyber risk.

Source: The risk-based approach to cybersecurity, October 2019, McKinsey & Company

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